is a Personal Finance Blog, an initiative by a team of experienced professionals to enhance the knowledge of its users, by providing an “Informative and Interactive platform” to meet all their Finance, Investment, Taxation and Accounting needs.

Looking at the requirements and interests of the common man, we decided to build a knowledge platform to simplify things for you.

We work on the principle of “Knowledge Sharing”.

The objective is to create awareness and provide updated information by sharing free tips and blogs related to Finance, Investment, Taxation, Accounting and other related topics.

We have further expanded our information horizon towards some other important areas like :

  • Stock Markets
  • Career  Options
  • Credit cards
  • Infographics
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Global topics and still adding on…to provide a big variety to our readers.

We have also introduced a library section to let you know about books in important areas like business, economics, personal finance, mutual funds etc.

We present useful financial information and interesting blogs on:

  1. Indian Personal Finance
  2. Canadian Personal Finance and
  3. American Personal Finance

This is a Personal Finance Blog to grow your knowledge in Finance, Taxation, Education and related categories.

We only give general opinions on different topics.We don’t advise on investing in any specific financial product or scheme.

You will surely get to learn a lot through our Finance,Investment and Taxation Blogs that will be a guiding path towards accomplishing your financial goals in an easy way.

This is not About us …This is About You…Yes,we are here to help you out in the best possible way.

We highly appreciate your valuable feedback and your opinions regarding various topics discussed.You are most welcome to add any important points that might be of help to our readers in some way.

Hope we make a positive difference in your Financial journey !

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