CFA stands for “Chartered Financial Analyst”, an internationally recognized profession recognized by the CFA Institute. Their primary mission is to certify competent financial analysts who meet specific criteria set by them in this field, such as money management, economics, accounting ethics etc. Any candidate interested in becoming a CFA must pass multiple tests covering these subjects as well as others such as money management.

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Though CFA certification is widely sought-after across the world, its rigorous tests and numerous challenges make the journey unforgiving for anyone without sufficient diligence, willpower and endurance. More specifically, becoming a CFA comprises three stages including Levels I through III.

CFA Level I Exam Details To become a CFA charterholder, candidates must pass the CFA Level I Exam. There are minimum requirements that each candidate must fulfill to be considered qualified to advance to Level II of this highly renowned examination series.

CFA Level 1 Used to Be CFA was initially administered via paper-based exams that consisted of two sessions each day: morning and evening exams. Each exam consisted of 120 multiple choice questions per session for a total of three hours long examination; every question could take 90 seconds depending upon your knowledge of that question.

CFA Level I Exam Structure desfasoaraCependant, due to COVID-19 pandemic’s introduction of computer-based testing, some changes will be observed in exam patterns and question count. Starting 2021 when this new online model of Level I computer-based exam begins, you must attempt 180 questions (multiple choice only) spread over two separate 2 hours 15 minute sessions.

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